Haih... Actually, I'd typed an entry yesterday, but somehow, blogger's pic-uploading service was down for the whole yesterday and most of today. So, I didn't save the entry la.
I'm back home in Sibu now! And using my home computer! *Muah~*
Ok, just a short excerpt of what I did yesterday after the final exam paper. I teman'ed my friend Jui Jien on the LRT journey to Plaza Rakyat, then I headed to KLCC via Masjid Jamek. Will miss you Jui Jien. One whole month no see you. T-T
On my shopping spree, as usual, I made my way to Kinokuniya first. Was extremely excited when I saw this CRAFT magazine, published in the US, on the magazine rack. My heart just skipped a beat. Ooh! I thought this exclusive mag would never make it's way to Malaysia. But I was proved wrong then and there. :D I managed to snatch up the last copy! Yayeee!

There are countless of seriously neat craft projects in there - how to make wire-wrapped pendants, how to knit a kimono (I'll have to learn knitting first :P), re-using and revamping old stuff, printing and image-transferring to T-shirts, etc etc etc. It's a really good exposure of the modern Western DIY community! :D
And I've been waiting for this to arrive in the stores. It's a Mi Sup Jepun (Japanese Soup Noodles). :D Can anything get kawaii-er than this? :D

Ok. It's 5 minutes past midnight already. I reached home at about 9 something. The house was in semi-drakness. I hollered to my sis on the second floor - "Wei! Kai men ah. Kuai dien." - meaning, "Open the door la. Faster." She heard me from her opened window and said "O!"
My sis opened the door with her cheeky smile. :D I explored the corners of the house - opened every container, flip through book and magazine and pamphlet, went snooping about every nook, played the piano for a while, check my belongings on the old computer table, check for new issues of Reader's Digest, peek into the storeroom, surveyed the mounting pile of newpapers, turn on the TV and flip through a few channels.
In the midst of stuffing myself with the contents of a newly-opened container of fruit chips (starfruit, pineapple, bananas, grapefruit), my mum arrived home from her Teachers'' Union Dinner. Went to open her car door and said "Halo Ma!" while holding the chips container. My mum said "Yew chi!" - meaning, "Eat again!".
But she said I've grown thinner. A bit. Well, thinner anyway than when the last time I was back the CNY hols. :D I said aiyo.... where got. I study break 3 weeks, every day sit at the study table. Only move when I want to eat and go jogging. I can even feel the fat on my face wobble. *OMGosh that is seriously FAT la!* Ok, but during the exam week, at least I toned down my junk food intake, so maybe that helped a bit on slimming la. *Ahem~*
The 3 of us talked and talked and laughed and laughed for an hour, while I scavanged the cupboards for more food. *Please don't be horrified. I memang like that. I like to see what are in store around the house* And typical Mum-Sis shopping is sufficient to make the house look like the food section of any supermarket - stuffed FULL with foodstuffs! :D
My dad came back at around 10.30. He was on a business trip to Kuching this morning. :)
Finally, I'm home. :) And I'm thankful and glad to be. :)