I had a wonderful weekend. :P I went to nose about at Pipit's Wonderful Market at Times Square. There were LOTS of things to see. If there's one thing to improve on, it's probably the location and publicity for the event. Because I walked all the way up to the 7th floor and couldn't see a sign of an event going on. I actually had to go down again to the information counter to ask if there's 'this craft/art/design thingy' going on at the mall? Publicity was good, with news about the event circulating social networking sites like Facebook and blogs. In fact, I saw a column in Saturday's STAR announcing it. :P Great job guys!

{ The venue }
Let's move one to look at the booths. :)

{ Absolutely yummy plate of desserts! All made by this sweet girl. }

{ More yummy goodies! The clear heart-shaped container held resin necklaces with real sprinkles in them! I just couldn't resist - I bought one. :P }

{ Pink and polka dots really go well for a sweeeeet look. :P }

{ Hand-sewn pouches made from Japanese cotton fabric. }
I took a LOT of photos of the first booth and chatted a little with Cherry. :P I just adore her creations. They're demure and sweet, just like the creator herself. :P
After that, I was too busy looking at stuff to take a lot of photos. ^-^"

{ Beautiful pieces created by Agnes. I bought a sparkly crystal bracelet from her and have been wearing it continuously for 4 days since. It's such a pretty thing. }

{ As usual, the goddess of handmades, Evangelione had LOADS of goodies on display. I couldn't get near enough to take a good photo because people were hogging the space to get a good look at her awesome stuff! }

{ Cute creations by Miss Irene! I love the vintage, shabby chic feel of her jewelry and handmade stuff. }

{ I love this booth a lot. The plushies are so cute and well-made. But I kind of forgot to ask for a namecard in my excitement of paying for my purchase there.... -__-" }

{ Original plushie creations by Panda Eyes. Cool set-up! }

{ More goodies by Panda Eyes. Wish I could cart the whole suitcase home. :P }

{ Littlehouse28 's got pretty handmade jewelry. }

{ Yet another booth selling freakin cute plushies. I want them all!!! }

{ Fellow Etsy-ian Kiiss. Love her necklaces! Absolutely beautiful! }

{ Attractive set-up by Ruknoe Bazaar. That's a polka dotted chicken. }

{ Loot for the day. I love everything to bits. }
Don't you wish you were there? :P If you're in Malaysia sometime in September, the Market is going to be held for the 3rd time then. Drop by and have a look. Your eyes will never get tired. :P