Yesterday night, I was suddenly very inspired to create more felt crafts. After all, we B1/06 just completed our 2nd class test paper : Pharmaceutics. There are still 3 more weeks to go lah, with 4 more papers. :( *Patience, patience*
I had in mind a few days ago to compile a strawberry-themed kawaii grabbie. And I proceeded to make a 2-strawberries embellished felt pin/brooch yesterday night. Continued making 5 strawberry-patch-themed 1-inch felt pin/brooches this afternoon. Included kawaii stickers and origami hearts. :)
Check out the listing in
my Etsy shop :
Strawberries Explosion Kawaii Grabbie :

Hah.... Felt really productive la.... Still am feeling that. Probably will make more stuff tomorrow, IF I'm satisfied with my revision-studying outcome! :P
Tonight, just now, I went with my cell-group friends to a steamboat place at Sunway. The place's name is something like Yuen's Steamboat, and it's a 3-storey corner shop, with each floor accomodating around 20-30 tables that can take 12 people at each. And wah-lau! Packed like mad lah that place! Nasib Philip (our cell-group leader) booked a table for us. *Phew*
The food is good. I especially like the kuih talam and coconut-covered sago kuih, as well as the coffee agar-agar (jelly). *Typical me la - dessert lover*. There's a wide variety of steamboat ingredients for us to choose from - seafood, frozen meatballs, fishballs, all that kind of thing, tofu products, dried noodles, veggies (fresh and fermented) and loads more. There's also a selection of cooked food such as fried rice and beehoon (fine noodles), and masak merah (Malay-style chicken with masala, lemon-grass). And the famous BARBEQUE CHICKEN WINGS.
I tell you, the chicken wings kena sapu like mad. Once a new batch of wings arrived at the buffet table, people went fighting for it. Actually digging at the stainless steel container with plates! Without even bothering to use pincers, spatulas ar any form of decent food-collecting equipments. They just used 2 plates - a plate to shovel the wings into the other plate! I mean, walau! No need like that gua! One whole stainless steel container full of chicken wings suddenly became a container with only grease stains left. And what's more, people were actually lining up waiting for the next batches of wings to arrive! Walau!
But of course, there's a reason for those people doing that la. :P The wings were truly SEDAP man! Nice nice NICE! Mmm.... :9
I found that it's a great thing, going out with friends just to makan (eat). Love the atmosphere - it's relaxing and I felt no stress. :) Should do that more often. :)