I'm a little uncertain these days. I know I have piles and piles of lectures to look into - read the notes as well as reference books - and portfolios, and the coming pbl to prepare for. Yet I can't seem to focus on one thing.
Luckily, I managed to scrap through one portfolio - the one on stupid amenorrhoea and galactorrhoea. I though I would have to spend at least one day again to complete everything. Started on Friday night and was done by Saturday afternoon. :P Super happy. Even reference, everything done kau kau dy.
Despite that, there's still about 90% of things-I-need-to-do-to-pass-semester5. T-T For example the CNS series of lectures. I oni paham-paham the anatomy and functions of the CNS components, and we're already on to Epilepsy. T_T I'm seriously worried about this module la.
Haih.... I think my uncertainty and inability to concentrate on coursework now is because of a convo I received on Etsy on Friday.
Somehow, inQbox managed to find me there. :) I received the convo asking if I want to rent a box at their branch in 1U. Perhaps I should enlighten *ceh~* you about this inQbox. After a little online research, it seems that this store concept originated from Singapore sometime in 2004. Since then, 3 branches had started in Malaysia - in 1Utama, Mid Valley and Sunway Pyramid. The person who contacted me is managing the one in 1U.
inQbox mia concept - the walls in their stores are lined with square boxes, sort of like pigeon holes. These boxes are rented out to independent designers and enterprenuers as a retail space for displaying and selling their products. Price of one box starts from RM298/month and there's a 10% commission for each sale.
I was really excited when they said they wanted to see the things I make and asked to meet up at their store. :P This is such a good oppurtunity to break through locally, letting more Malaysians know about Kawaii~neh! :P
The problem now lies in the rental price. I'm only occasionally making trivial kawaiis and sometimes useless frills in small quantities. Tak kan lah can gain back the RM298+ a month? I'm struggling between the thought of $$ flying and doing some marketing for my stuff. Some more, it's almost impossible to spare any time for making more stuff at the moment. I'll just be failing myself in sem 5. T-T
I'm really in a dilemma. But I'm definitely going for the meet-up and get to know more about the store.
So, after a useless attempt to start on the CNS porfolio this morning, I got out my polymer clay supplies and tools and started to make stuff. :P Itchy hands.
After 2 hours, produced a gigantic mass of candy.

{ ♥ Supar Candee The Necklace ♥ }
It is seriously B-I-G. Almost the size of my palm. ^-^" I tried a new baking technique - baking in my toaster oven for 5 minutes without opening the door, BUT covering the clay with an disposable aluminium cake pan. :P That somewhat lessen the heat on the clay, so it didn't get burn as easily as without the cover.
But. The burning is still inevitable. T-T Got the lolli top and stick burnt, as you can observe from the pictures. T-T Should have been more careful. T_T So I used some sequins and beads to cover up the bunrt lolli. T_T But even this got problem. T_T I used Bostik Super Glue. And Super Glue memang Super Glue la. Super until everything also come out, even the shine of the sequins were ruined. T-T But the glue is super good one la. Nothing can prise off those beads.

{ Happy mass of fats ♥ ♥ ♥ }
I'm ashamed to show the backside of this piece because - as you're guessing right at the moment - it's totally burnt. T-T Perhaps I'll attach a felt backing to hide the imperfection. ^-^"
Spent almost 2 hours on this piece. T-T A fine way to waste away the day. T-T

{ I lub biu *smooches* ♥ }
I was actually thinking of bringing this piece along with the other things to show the people at inQbox. But I think I had better not proceed with the idea. T-T Because burnt liao so quite ugly. T-T

{ ♥ Happy Apple Necklace ♥ }