I really want to thank Tuan Chin for helping me out all the way till the end. She's been a great source of moral support and she practically did half of the preparations - setting up the booth, entertaining customers and manning the booth. I think she's perfect for Kawaii~neh! - as the model and as the pretty assistant! :D I scare people with my look and my awkward silences, so Tuan Chin being there truly helped a lot. XD Though not too bubbly, her pleasant smiles and little talks really made customers feel at ease.
I'm praising you to the skies. Your head don't become too big ah. XD

{ ♥ Kawaii~neh!'s pretty assistant ♥ }
We actually took my little table *used for putting my laptop in the room* to the gallery on Friday afternoon, and some of the props as well.
Saturday morning, we went early to set up the things.

{ A bit of wall deco. The cut-out alphabets were done on the spot with the help of my pretty assistant, lil sis and her friend. }

{ Necklaces on corkboard. }

{ Pins hanging on clothes-pins. Wanted to use wooden ones but the pink plastic ones were already at hand. }

{ T-shirt that Tuan Chin drew. It was her idea that we make our own T-shirts - for the crew la katakan. We actually planned to wear them at the fair, but I chickened out... ^-^" Someone actually wanted to buy them eh. :D }

{ Table ready }
I didn't expect kids to be there. It was really fun to see them running to the table and oogle at the stuff. XD A pair of sisters came every few hours to look, and bugged their poor mummy *also selling handmade jewelry there* to buy them something. I was worried that people may not like bending or squatting down or sitting at the booth to look at stuff, but guess it turned out to be a good thing that I brought it. :P

{ Ooh... Donut. *chomp* }

{ Felt cakes with no function whatsoever. I think I should have made them into hats. }

{ One side of the table loaded with inedible yumminess ♥. A little surprised that the bracelets did not attract much attention, though the younger of the two girls who bugged their mummy really liked the purple one. XD }

{ Actually planned to make more of the onigiris, but didn't have time. T-T Darn exams. }

{ One-of-a-kind embellished felt cuff bracelets. Really love them and thought I couldn't part with either. }
I felt a deep sense of accomplishment as everyone who looked appreciated my creations. We loved watching people's reaction when we were asked where or what we're currently studying. Ei, science students can be full of surprises de ma. XD *muahaha~*
This participation was intended as part of my semester 6 Electives, and I submitted the topic as 'How to manage a craft booth'. There were a lot of things learnt. One thing I know I could have done better was interacting with people. I apologise for being more of a wood block than an artist selling her wares. I've always have a sort of fear for talking to people. Guess I really must break it and start communicating properly. Oh, and I couldn't say anything else other than 'thank you!' to everyone.... because I really am thankful. ^-^" That probably made me sound like an over-enthusiastic seller. T-T
Other than breaking my back and subjecting my lungs to a possible risk of lung/throat/nasopharynx cancer 40-50 years down the road, it has been an invaluable experience. :)