Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pineapple Tarts ~

Today, my mum said, "Let's make some pineapple tarts today!"

Uh... Actually, it's "Sing Yee, you make some pineapple tarts today ya?" :D

Heheh..... I also very teringin (have been wishing) to bake something actually. :D

So, my first time making pineapple tarts.

For 80 little bisuits :

Pastry :
240g butter
60g icing sugar
280g plain flour
80g cornflour
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
4 egg yolks

Filling :
1 kg pineapple filling (can be bought in supermarkets or baking supplies stores) - roll into individual pieces of about 1 teaspoons each. Actually, you don't need that much. I did according to the recipe in a book, but there's still almost half the filling left after I finished the pastry. So, see lah, if you want a LOT of filling, then buy 1 kg lo. If not, I think about 500-700g is enough for 80 tarts.

* Egg yolk for glazing

1. Combine everything for the pastry except the egg yolks. Mix briefly and then add the yolks to form a soft dough.

2. Pipe the pastry into long flat pieces, or just roll up 1 teaspoon of the pastry with one portion of the filling, while shaping into a log with your hands. Glaze each biscuit with a little egg yolk.

3. Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for 20-25 minutes. Cool and serve, or store in airtight containers. :)

The result is oh so naaiieesh. :D Crisp and fresh, with a sweet sweet jam-y pineapple center. Oh! *faints* Luckily the shapes are not too demented. :D Still presentable.

Yay! Next time can make for Chinese New Year d. :D

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