Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Little Update + Peach Cream Felt Flower Necklace

Er.... I'd been neglecting the blog again. ^-^" My family had relatives visiting, so it was a busy period of afternoon chats and social dinners, of which I didn't at all look forward to. All the while, I couldn't wait for each session to end. Call me anti-social, wallflower, introvert or whatever lah. I just don't get the thrill of small talks and polite conversations. So I focused on the one other thing that would not ask me perfectly stupid questions like "Eh, you got boyfriend ady a not?" and "You want biao shau help you count your life a not? She knows how to read palms eh!". And that one other thing is - food. Hell was it nice! But then, continuous gastronomic affairs with Sibu's best of the best restaurants only served to pile up kilos that I so painfully shed from jogging and swimming back in KL. Talk about weight fluctuation. In the higher extreme. I'm one of those people that'll gain 2kg a day with just normal meals. T-T

Finally, after that few days of entertaining guests, things calmed down around the house. I finally began another round of crafting using felt. As a result of plushie-makings, especially of gigantic ones, felt scraps are accumulating fast. So I tried cutting out tiny pieces and sewing them together to make flowers.

{ Flowers made from felt scraps }

{ Peach Cream Felt Flower Necklace }

I didn't know what to do with the flowers at first but then came up with this idea of making them into a choker/necklace. It looks absolutely beautiful, and is comfortable to wear. I have the sis put it on here :

{ ♥ }

Before making this necklace, I made another long necklace out of scrap felt. After finishing it and trying it on, I found that felt is not the best - probably the worst - material for making a continuous long necklace. The necklace is so stiff that it juts out of proportion no matter how many times I tried smoothening is out. In the end, I wound it 5 times around my wrist, and ta-dah! A multi-bracelet.

{ Felt scraps sewn together to make a looong loop }

I can't believe there's only about half a month of hols left. T-T

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