Saturday, March 1, 2008

Kitschy Cameras

Ok.... I'm officially the slack-girl. I'm going to have a class test next Tuesday, and here I am. T-T Hm... As you can see, I've changed the blog header. It's still kawaii-themed. :D

So, I'm going to show you some awesome camera jewelry available on Etsy. :)

{Pictures taken from seller's original listings}

{from left to right, top to bottom}

1. Sleuth Camera Necklace from paraphernalia
2. Twin Lens Necklace from LePhotique
3. Little Black LEGO Camera Studs from Gr0oglmann
4. Photographers Necklace from adorapop
5. Super 8 Necklace from TillyBloom


High Desert Diva said...

These camera necklaces are cool.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.

You mentioned wanting to make lavender sachets. Normally Cicada Cache on Etsy sells the buds, but I don't see any listed right now. You could also try Havenhill Lavender
(my friend Trina's farm biz)

Good luck!

LX said...

Totally classic!

Jenii said...

I love finding all these cute things on your blog!! *stalkstalk*

I might buy those lego studs......wantwant!!

Anonymous said...

u r very kawaii..haha!
u've seen me before?
which school u went?
add me to msn if u like =)