Sunday, October 26, 2008

Repurposed Fabric Bags + Recycled Leather + Zakka Pouches

I'm forever fascinated by the creativity spilling from Etsy. Love these bags and pouches made from recycled clothes, jeans, produce sacks and even plastic bags!

Do mother earth a favour by supporting recycled and repurposed goods. Here's another material that can be re-used to make fabulous accessories. Leather!

Here's extra eye candy for you. Frame purses and pouches! Looking at these, I realise that fabric design and colour is all it needs to make you want that bag. ^-^"


LX said...

I love those coin purses. Real fancy!

Stefanie Schreurs said...

oh they are so cute

Amanda said...

just thought i would let you know i did a post in repurposing fabric and i included one of your items! you have a great site!! have a wonderful day!